This week, the House held multiple hearings relevant to CTE and workforce development, highlighting the need for more funding for CTE programs at a time when federal spending levels are being discussed. Both chambers of Congress also managed to pass a continuing resolution to avert a government shutdown, extending the deadline to finalize annual spending bills to March 1 and March 8.
- House Committee on Education and the Workforce Holds CTE Hearing: This week, the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education held a hearing entitled “Preparing Students for Success in the Skills-Based Economy.” The hearing discussed the benefits and outcomes of CTE programs nationally, as well as the obstacles they face in funding and teacher shortages, emphasizing the need for more resources. Read more on the CTE Policy Watch Blog.
- House and Senate Approve Stopgap Spending Measure to Avert Government Shutdown: The House followed the Senate in approving legislation to avert the impending partial government shutdown that would have taken effect today. New deadlines to finalize annual spending bills are March 1 for four of the appropriations bills and March 8 on the remaining eight, including the education bill. Read more updates on the CR from Politico.
- Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Government Innovation Subcommittee Holds Hearing on AI in the Workforce: Earlier this week, the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Government Innovation held a hearing entitled “Toward an AI Ready Workforce.” The hearing covered issues of how to best prepare the future workforce to work with AI, specifically for positions that require less than a four-year degree. Read more on the CTE Policy Watch Blog.
- Rep. Langworthy Introduces Bipartisan Legislation on Workforce Training in Rural Communities Reps. Langworthy (R-NY) and Tokuda (D-HI) co-sponsored the CAREERS Act to address the skills gap and workforce shortage in rural communities. ACTE endorsed the bill in a press release published earlier this week.
- Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Releases Report on Increased Demand for Skill-Based Learning: Inside Higher Ed analyzed a report released by CAEL, demonstrating that interest in skills-based learning models had skyrocketed, yet is not met with adequate supply of these programs in institutions.
- White House Releases 2024 Education Agenda: On Jan. 17, the Biden Administration released a new “Improving Student Achievement” agenda for 2024. The focus is on accelerating academic achievement, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Department of Education Releases List of CTE Presidential Scholars Candidates: The Department of Education has released the initial list of students who will compete for the prestigious Presidential Scholars award. Later this year, 20 CTE students will be selected from the initial nominees for the award.
- Department of Labor Formally Publishes Draft Apprenticeship Rules: This week, the Department of Labor officially published new draft regulations for apprenticeships that had been informally released in late 2023. Comments on the proposal are due on March 18. ACTE will be working on comments related to the implications for CTE and is interested in hearing any of your thoughts as well.