The Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education has released an update to its Perkins Data Explorer with school year 2021-22 enrollment and performance data. CTE practitioners and researchers can use this data to better understand CTE student outcomes nationwide and in their states.
Notable findings and figures are listed below:
- School year 2021-22 recorded more than 11.5 million CTE participants across secondary and postsecondary education.
- School year 2021-22 recorded more than 4.6 million secondary and postsecondary CTE concentrators nationwide.
- In school year 2021-22, secondary CTE concentrators achieved a 96% four-year graduation rate.
- In school year 2021-22, Health Science was the most popular Career Cluster.
To learn more, access the Perkins Data Explorer tool and a national summary of the data from 2021-22. A lengthier and more in-depth post digging deeper into data points from the release will be published on the CTE Policy Watch Blog in the coming days.