Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill, including funding for education and workforce development programs. The bill was approved by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies earlier today on a party-line vote. Unfortunately, because House leaders chose to develop appropriations bills at a much lower funding level than agreed to in the debt limit deal, this bill makes significant cuts across education and workforce programs. There are approximately 60 programs completely eliminated and another 50 programs with proposed reductions. Overall, the bill reduces funding 29% below the FY 2023 enacted level, and also includes recissions to prior funding.
In a small victory for CTE, the legislation “maintains career and technical training grants,” suggesting that the Perkins Basic State Grant should be level funded at FY 2023 levels.
However, while we appreciate the legislation’s recognition of sustaining current levels of federal investment in CTE via Perkins, we are extremely concerned about proposed cuts to other major education and workforce development programs elsewhere in the legislation. You can view our statement about the bill here.
Below are just a few of the funding cuts included in the bill that are most relevant:
Education Cuts/Eliminations
- 80% cut for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I state grants to local education agencies
- Note: Rescinds $8.7 billion of advance funding for Title I grants to states that would become available in Fall 2023 and could be used for the upcoming program year
- Eliminates funding for Magnet School program
- Eliminates funding for Teacher Quality Partnerships
- Eliminates funding for Federal Work-study Program
- Eliminates funding for ESSA Title II – Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
Department of Labor Cuts/Eliminations
- Eliminates funding for Department of Labor WIOA Youth and cuts Adult training programs
- Eliminates funding for the Women’s Bureau
- Eliminates funding for Job Corps program
- Cuts Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) by $95 million
The bill now advances to consideration by the full House Appropriations Committee. We are still awaiting the date of the full committee markup, and we will continue to provide updates as the bill moves along in the appropriations process. Be on the lookout for an Action Alert next week to get involved and let Congress know that these massive cuts will have a negative impact on the broader education and workforce system, including CTE programs. You can view the full text of the bill here.