This week in Washington, lawmakers focused on pressing national security and domestic issues, debt limit negotiations, holding oversight hearings and conducting further appropriations hearings as part of the fiscal year 2024 appropriations process. The House and Senate are now out of session until after the two-week Easter and Passover recess. They will return during the week of April 17. As we await their return, here are some news and notes:
- New Community College Enrollment Data Released: The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) has released the most recent data highlighting community college enrollment in spring 2023. The data revealed that community college enrollment is up by 2.1%, fueled by strong growth among dual credit students and freshmen. You can examine the complete list of figures released by the NSC here.
- Advance CTE President Testifies on Rural Issues: On March 29, South Dakota state CTE director and Advance CTE president Laura Scheibe testified before the House Appropriations Committee during a hearing titled “Addressing the Challenges of Rural America.” Scheibe fielded questions from committee members and detailed South Dakota’s efforts to support secondary and postsecondary CTE students through a variety of methods, including Student Support Counselors who assist first-generation students with transportation, affordable housing and navigating postsecondary education. In addition, she illuminated the importance of Perkins funding and flexible distribution of Perkins funds. Read more about the hearing here.
- Summit Gathers in DC to Discuss Workforce Development for Young Adults: The U.S. Department of Labor recently hosted workforce development advocates and professionals from around the United States at the Youth Employment Works Summit to discuss its new youth and young adult employment initiative that prioritizes these workers in developing the workforce of the nation. Read more about the summit here.