Today, ACTE published a new infographic that highlights ways to use the ACTE Quality CTE Program of Study FrameworkTM and its companion self-evaluation instrument. The Framework helps CTE educators to assess quality in their CTE programs of study through more than 90 criteria organized under 12 elements, capturing the full range of activities across a CTE program.
As described by the infographic, the Framework and self-evaluation tool can be used by educators, administrators and leaders to support educator preparation programs, help new CTE instructors, identify professional development needs, conduct the Perkins V comprehensive local needs assessment and recognize CTE program quality. Since its launch in 2018, the online Framework self-evaluation has been used over 4,000 times to support CTE program of study quality across secondary and postsecondary programs and spanning all 16 Career Clusters®.
We encourage ACTE members and CTE supporters to read and share this infographic with colleagues and other CTE stakeholders to learn about how the ACTE Quality CTE Program of Study Framework TM can support CTE program improvement.
Click here to access more tools related to the Framework including publications, webinars, courses and more.