Congress returned to Washington last week for the first time since the mid-term elections. Lawmakers in both parties held several leadership elections, but formal announcements for party leadership are still forthcoming. Appropriations leaders also reportedly aim to have a fiscal year 2023 appropriations framework completed by Thanksgiving, but there has been no budget framework publicly released and we expect negotiations on the appropriations bills to continue into December. ACTE continues to urge Congress to support a $200 million increase to the Perkins Basic State Grant for fiscal year 2023. In addition to appropriations work, the Senate also advanced legislation to codify the right to same-sex marriage during the week, provide retirement benefits to first responders and support access to communication services for domestic violence survivors.
The 118th Congress will begin right after the new year, on January 3. To prepare for the start of the new Congress, check your inbox or the link here. Stay tuned during the coming weeks, as ACTE will share more information on the impact of the election on CTE, including information on committee leadership, new Members of Congress and other resources relevant to CTE stakeholders. In the meantime, here are some updates from Washington:
- Department of Education Launches Work-Based Learning Grant: As part of a broader effort, known as the “Raise the Bar: Unlocking Career Success Initiative announced by the Department of Education, in partnership with the Departments of Commerce and Labor, a new work-based learning (WBL) program will be launched next year. $5.6 million from Perkins national activities funding will be allocated for a new program to expand WBL opportunities for students. The Department will launch a competitive grant opportunity, the “Career Z Challenge: Expanding Work-Based Learning Opportunities,” in Spring 2023. Read more about the program here.
- Department of Education Releases New Guidance on ARP-ESSER Funding: Also as part of the Raising the Bar Initiative, the Department of Education has released new guidance on how federal COVID-relief funds can be used to develop and expand CTE programs, including registered apprenticeships. You can view the guidance here.
- Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Update: On November 14, the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an injunction against the Biden Administration’s federal student loan forgiveness program. The Administration plans to appeal to the Supreme Court for further review. Read more about the next steps here.
- Department of Labor Announces Effort to Prepare Students at Job Corps Centers for Registered Apprenticeship Programs: The Department of Labor will encourage Job Corps centers throughout the country to emphasize pre-apprenticeship programs in green energy, health care, information technology and other high-growth industry sectors. Job Corps students will spend approximately one year in a pre-apprenticeship program. Read more about the initiative here.
- Senate CTE Caucus Holds Briefing on Women in Apprenticeship: On November 15, the Senate CTE Caucus, alongside the Swiss and Austrian Embassies, held a Capitol Hill briefing on Women in Apprenticeship to highlight both National Apprenticeship Week and the Austrian and Swiss apprenticeship models. Read more about the briefing here.
- Potential Committee Leadership in the Senate: While we are awaiting the formal announcement of their appointments, we have a clearer picture of those who will be chairing and serving as Ranking Members for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is expected to become Chairman of the HELP Committee, with Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) as the likely Ranking Member. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) will take the gavel of the Appropriations Committee with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) as the likely Ranking Member.
- National Apprenticeship Week Celebrated: November 14 kicked off National Apprenticeship Week nationwide as workforce development stakeholders, advocates and more joined together to celebrate the benefits of registered apprenticeship programs. Read more about National Apprenticeship Week here.