On August 3, House Education and Labor Committee Chairman Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) toured the Peninsula Workforce Development Center on the campus of Virginia Peninsula Community College (VPCC) to meet with employers and job seekers and announce the award of $11 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Good Jobs Challenge.
The funding will allow the Hampton Roads Workforce Council to expand training offerings and recruit more students from underserved communities, including at least 750 Virginians to new maritime employment opportunities.
“For years, the Hampton Roads Workforce Council has been a leader in helping workers gain the basic skills they need for new jobs. Now, through this $11 million investment, the Hampton Roads Workforce Council will be able to move beyond the currently available entry-level programs and provide students with the advanced skills they need to gain higher-paying, long-term careers,” said Rep. Scott.
You can view Tweets from Rep. Scott’s visit here, and see the full list of winners from the Good Jobs Challenge here.