Last week in Washington was another quiet week, as Congress wrapped up its Memorial Day recess. The Senate will return on June 6, with the House following on June 7. Conference committee negotiators are continuing to resolve differences between the House-passed America COMPETES Act and the Senate version of the legislation, known as the USICA, and work is continuing on legislation in response to gun violence and other economic issues. As we await more details on next steps, here are some news and notes:
- Department of Health and Human Services Holds Early Childhood Workforce Development Webinar: On May 25, the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Early Childhood Development, within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), hosted a webinar with the Department of Labor and the Department of Education to highlight approaches to utilizing registered apprenticeships to support the child care and early childhood education workforce. You can watch the full webinar here.
- CTE Program Enrollment Data Released: Recently, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center released its postsecondary enrollment estimates for the spring 2022 semester. While overall enrollment dropped compared to the spring prior, with community colleges representing more than half of enrollment declines, freshman and CTE program enrollment at two-year institutions increased significantly. Read more about the data here.
- Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants Funding Deadline Extended: The Department of Labor has announced a new deadline for $50 million in funding to help marginalized and underrepresented populations access CTE programs they need to be connected to good-paying jobs. The department will award grants of up to $1.6 million for single institutions and up to $5 million for consortiums, with up to $5 million designated to fund at least one affinity consortium grant. You can apply for the funding here. Applications are now due Oct. 14, 2022.