On October 12, ACTE launched a social media campaign to urge Members of Congress to maintain the robust funding levels provided in the budget reconciliation bill, known as the Build Back Better Act, for CTE and other workforce development programs as the final negotiations on that bill continue!
As of October 22, 77 Tweets have been sent through ACTE’s Action Center, which facilitates delivery of emails and Tweets to Members of Congress. For those without Twitter accounts, advocates were encouraged to send a letter supporting the funding levels through the Action Center – so far, 335 letters have been sent to Capitol Hill.
ACTE members contacted senators and representatives from California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Virginia on Twitter. Here is a sampling of the Tweets ACTE members sent to make their voices heard:
To read more Tweets from the campaign, visit the #careerteched hashtag on Twitter! It is also not too late to participate in the campaign! It is important to continue advocacy efforts to help keep CTE top of mind for policymakers as they make key funding decisions and urge federal policymakers to prioritize critical investments in CTE. Please visit the Action Center to send a Tweet or letter to your federal policymakers today!