While the House was in recess, the Senate remained in Washington this week to pass a budget resolution and complete final passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package on the floor before adjourning for its August break. Overall, it was a quieter week for CTE-related policy. Both chambers will remain in recess next week. In the meantime, ACTE’s August Advocacy continues with Week 3’s task – writing an op-ed or sending a letter to the editor to members of the media to express the importance of strong federal investments in CTE, especially as students will be heading back to school.
- President Biden Nominates Dr. Amy Loyd to Serve as OCTAE Assistant Secretary: President Biden has announced that he will nominate Dr. Amy Loyd to officially serve as Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), a position that she has held in an acting capacity since April 2021. You can read ACTE’s full statement supporting Dr. Loyd’s nomination here, and read more on CTE Policy Watch.
- Department of Education Approves Additional ARP-ESSER Funds: The Department of Education has announced its approval of ARP-ESSER plans for Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey and South Carolina. ARP-ESSER funds are used to help reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and support students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Senate Democrats Approve Budget Resolution for Reconciliation Package: Senate Democrats released and then passed their fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget resolution, setting the stage for a $3.5 trillion “budget reconciliation” package that would implement major changes to social programs, climate policy and other domestic policies. The reconciliation instructions include $726.4 billion for the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, the biggest allotment to any committee. Read more on CTE Policy Watch.
- Senate Passes Bipartisan Infrastructure Package: After months of negotiations, the Senate voted 69-30 to pass a sweeping bipartisan infrastructure proposal. While this bill did not include the investments in workforce development to support infrastructure development originally proposed in the Administration’s American Jobs Plan, the measure contained some education-related provisions. Read more on CTE Policy Watch.