ACTE has updated its Sector Sheet on CTE’s role in developing the health care workforce with the latest on labor market demand, the role CTE plays in preparing the future health care workforce and exemplary health care programs.
Jobs in health care are projected to grow faster than any other occupational group this decade as the U.S. population ages. Of the top 10 fastest-growing occupations, six of those occupations are in the health care sector, with nurse practitioner positions expected to grow 52% by 2029, followed by occupational therapy assistants, home health and personal care aides, physical therapist assistants, medical and health services managers, and physician assistants.
CTE programs are rising to meet the needs of the growing health care labor market. One example of this on the secondary level is the Henderson County High School Health Science program in Henderson, Kentucky, where learners can choose between three areas of study: allied health, pre-nursing and medical administrative assistant. The program also offers dual credit opportunities, industry-recognized credentials, CTSO experiences and work-based learning opportunities. At the postsecondary level, San Jacinto College in Houston, Texas, recently expanded its associate degree nursing program to the north campus of the college to increase access for low-income students and learners of color, many of whom struggle with transportation. While in the program, learners are offered wraparound supports such as program maps, structured scheduling, faster remediation pathways and mandatory advising touchpoints.
ACTE’s Sector Sheet series is generously supported by Pearson.