As with many other aspects of CTE, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced uncertainty into the Perkins V performance accountability system. Each state originally included performance targets for each of the core indicators of performance in their Perkins state plans approved last spring, but many of the underlying assumptions that states used in developing those targets are no longer valid. States must now decide whether to use the "unanticipated circumstances" provision in the law to adjust their performance targets or stay the course with current goals.
To help CTE leaders think through the nuances of this important decision, ACTE joined Advance CTE to release "Mitigating Unanticipated Circumstances: Resetting Perkins V State Determined Performance Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic." This resource provides an overview of four steps states can take to think through the decision about adjusting performance targets:
- Quantify the impact
- Explore options
- Revise targets
- Engage the public
This tool is designed for states that are considering resetting their Perkins V performance targets, but local CTE leaders might find the sections on reviewing leading indicators and other data sources useful as well. In particular, the data sources mentioned in the report can be used to help think through the impact of the pandemic on student performance and intervene early in or seek support for programs that are struggling. Local CTE leaders should also be on the lookout for opportunities to weigh in on the performance target conversation in your states, as any changes to state targets could have an impact on local targets as well.