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Bill Hardy

I hope that no Americans support this bill, which is another colossal waste of taxpayer money. I am in favor of support for schools of all types, however this $3 trillion bill proposed by the Democratic led House is nothing more than pay-back to their supporters and is another burden on our children and grandchildren. We should be looking out for their financial futures as well as their educational futures. How can we continue to pile trillions and trillions of dollars upon them and expect them to be saddled with this debt burden, that we created, for their entire lives and the lives of their children. This waste of tax dollars is criminal. What America needs to be doing now is tightening our belts and saving money whenever and wherever possible, not borrowing more to throw away. If you want my support for the RAIWA Act, or any other education funding act,I will be glad to review it and consider its merits, but I will not support including it in a colossal omnibus bill that throws away trillions of dollars.

Alan Ashton

What we need to do is go back to work. This COVID thing is a fear-based media-hyped attempt to derail freedoms. Just say no, and go back to work.

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