We at ACTE hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times. We will continue to bring you news from the federal government on COVID-19. For the most recent updates on federal policy activities related to COVID-19, please visit this blog post, which is being updated on a daily basis with any recent news or activity. While Congress and the Administration are spending most of their time on these response activities, there were a few other news items on CTE-related issues last week:
- The Education Commission of the States (ECS) and National Governer’s Association (NGA) released their new report “Governor’s Top Education Priorities in 2020 State of the State Addresses”. One of the top findings showed CTE and workforce development programs were addressed by Governors in at least 34 states, making it the most addressed issue in 2020 state-of-the state addresses.
- The Department of Education is now accepting applications for the Magnet Schools Assistance Program. This goal of this program is to decrease, eliminate and prevent isolation of minority groups through grant-based funding to create and reproduce evidence-based programs in schools. The application deadline is May 26.