On the federal and state levels, 2019 was an important year for CTE. States have been creating their four-year state CTE plans for the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), responding to increased emphasis in the law on ensuring quality CTE opportunities and expanding access for all students.
In the 2019 calendar year, at least 45 states and Palau enacted or passed at least 208 policy actions related to CTE and career readiness, including legislation, executive orders, board of education actions and budget provisions, as documented in the newly released publication State CTE Policies: 2019 Year in Review.
The policy areas that states focused on in 2019 were similar to previous years. States most frequently addressed the following topics:
- Funding;
- Industry partnerships and work-based learning;
- Industry-recognized credentials;
- Governance; and
- Access/equity
This report from ACTE, Advance CTE and Education Commission of the States, the seventh annual review of CTE and career readiness policies across the United States, summarizes each state’s CTE policy activity and describes major themes across states.
In addition to reading the report, you can also join ACTE, Advance CTE and Education Commission of the States on Tuesday, February 18, 3:00-4:00pm EST for a webinar that will explore trends in state CTE policy and discuss implications for 2020 state policy. Participants will also hear from state leaders in Texas about major policies enacted in the state.
Sign up for this one-hour webinar at https://advancecte.webex.com/advancecte/onstage/g.php?MTID=e7e286cd64240dd0545cbcbd59dcc2360