In recent weeks, the Department of Education has released several new or updated resources related to CTE and Perkins V:
- An updated set of state Perkins profiles is now available at These profiles now contain the breakdown of state-level funding for FY 2019, the first year of Perkins V implementation, as well as copies of each state’s transition plan (available under the “Data Downloads” tab).
- A new video and discussion guide around Career Guidance in Perkins V is available at The video features an introduction from Assistant Secretary Scott Stump and is designed to provide conversation starters for states and local leaders as they work to address this topic within state plans, and an example from the state of Pennsylvania about their work in this area.
- A new “CTE Data Story” has been released by the Department and is available at This interactive, visual piece integrates data from several sources, including the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 and the 2018 Perkins Consolidated Annual report, among others, to share information about CTE participation and outcomes.