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Aretha Rankine

Good Morning,

Can we have our CTE/CTAE classes capped at 20 students? This will allow us to be able to give more individual attention to struggling students. I know that in some states the cap is set to 20 students in a CTEA/ CTE class. There is also the liability factor, since students in these classes work with tools and equipment unlike academic classes, and the teacher has to be able to actively supervise students (all students). Please consider this email, and pass it on to the person(s) that can help to affect change.

Thank You.

Aretha Rankine

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The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce, and we strive to empower educators to deliver high-quality career and technical (CTE) programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. Please contact us at [email protected].

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