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LA Benson

To Representatives J.Langevin and GT Thompson, and all those who are part of the Congressional Career and Technical Education Office, please continue to offer assistance and promote changes in the offerings of CTE programs.
How do we diversify teaching modes to ensure the best opportunities for all students in the workforce? We could begin with preparing students for apprentice programs, in specific fields. The Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology has an answer, “Apprenticeship programs are on the rise due to employer demands and proven results” (PEAT.com) Creating workforce development programs and federally funded education programs that cater to specific community needs is the best way to effectively improve job acquisition, employment retention, and firm career paths. Allowing the disabled to have a part in apprentice programs would provide opportunities they may not otherwise have. Apprenticeship programs working in conjunction with CTE programs can diversify training methods to include the needs of the disabled. There is a need to overhaul the offerings in Career and Technical Education schools and Adult education programs, to reflect the changing needs of the community. At the NY Dept. of Labor website, in the research and data section, information can be culled to see which fields are good to maintain or open new programs in. Researching further, gives the average number of people in a region that are qualified for the specific positions as well as the number of positions that can be expected to be filled. Armed with this information, it is imperative, Vocational Education programs revise their programs, deleting programs that have reached a saturated level of qualified potential employees and open new programs that reflect the regional changes in workforce opportunities. State Department of Labor sites offer Long Term Employment Projections in specific regions. Why, then are there still programs being offered to students for positions that no longer exist? It stands to reason, any vocational program running several years will churn out a number of qualified students, and eventually the positions in the community will be filled, to the point of having too many qualified employees and not enough positons.
The Presidential Executive Order issued on July 55, 2017, promotes the expansion of apprenticeship programs countrywide. With inclusive apprenticeship programs, all Career and Technical Education students will have greater opportunities for successful career paths. Offering training that will benefit employers, creating apprenticeships, which will be inclusive and create a diverse workforce, ensures CTE students disabled and non-disabled alike, have the best training and opportunities.
Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT). Retrieved from
White House Presidential Actions. (2017). Presidential Executive Order
Expanding Apprenticeships in America. Retrieved from
New York State Department of Labor. Employment Projections. Long Term
Occupational Employment Projections. Retrieved from

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The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce, and we strive to empower educators to deliver high-quality career and technical (CTE) programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. Please contact us at [email protected].

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