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Laura Lemke

Given the fact that students need to have multiple paths to options after high school, please do not continue to cut the funding for Career and Technical Education through the Perkins funding.

We have suffered cuts at Fenton High School the past two years from lower Perkins Funding as well as the State of Michigan reducing Added Costs funding for CTE as well.

Jemeil Deliz Alicea

When you cut funding for our children education and adult education it's a major loss of future leaders, workforce, and assets. Corporations, government, military and institutions worldwide fail when it comes to investing in our own people. Can we decide accordingly and not second guess our future Education and CTE programs funded by Perkins (Perkins CTE)? Are we really going to discard a legacy left by Carl D. Perkins for our country?

Mahalo for your support,


Jemeil Deliz Alicea
USA OIF Veteran
High School CTE Health Teacher

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The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce, and we strive to empower educators to deliver high-quality career and technical (CTE) programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. Please contact us at [email protected].

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