A new report has been released by Advance CTE with the support of the Siemens Foundation. The report, “The Value and Promise of Career and Technical Education: Results from a National Survey of Parents and Students,” sheds light on opinions about CTE by both current and prospective CTE parents and students. “Prospective parents and students” are defined as those not currently involved in CTE but who demonstrated some degree of interest after hearing a description of CTE.
As advocates seek to strengthen the CTE ecosystem and engage with policymakers at all levels, it is important to be armed with data to help support your positions. Below are the top ten takeaways from the report, in no particular order, from an advocacy perspective.
The full report can be read in its entirety here.
1) CTE parents and students were more than two times more likely than prospective parents and students to report being “very satisfied” with their overall school experience.
2) Ninety percent of CTE parents reported being satisfied with their child’s “ability to learn real-world skills” versus roughly half of prospective parents.
3) Over 90 percent of all students (and parents) surveyed agree that it is important to find a career they are passionate about.
4) Eight in ten CTE students are satisfied with their ability to begin preparing for/ get a leg up on a career, while less than half of prospective students report being satisfied.
5) CTE students (and parents) are more satisfied with the quality of their classes and teachers than prospective students and parents.
6) CTE students are more likely than non-CTE students to have a plan after high school.
7) Nearly 90 percent of prospective parents and students have a favorable impression about CTE based on a short description of programs.
8) Prospective students and parents trust guidance counselors the most as a source of information on CTE.
9) Nearly 90 percent of students and parents agree that job experience increases a student’s chance at success.
10) CTE students are more than twice as likely to be satisfied with their opportunities to make connections with employers and obtain internships.