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Joseph Roche

CTE programs offer the solution to the skills shortage in industries important to the US economy. Industries such as manufacturing which is growing along with the technical complexity within the industry sector.

Carroll shry

Support Ag Education in the Perkins Bill.

Julie Gloege

CTE programs teach much needed skills that our future workforce need. They also support the academic instruction that occurs and social skills so that teams can get along on the job. Work Based Learning gives students the supported instruction they need as they explore their futures post secondary. I even decreases the expense of future training as more students are now graduating with a career plan to pursue. The alternative is that they keep changing their focus in college and waste money taking unnecessary classes and often drop out altogether. We all need CTE in the schools.

Charles Rinehart

CTE not only teaches the hard skills to students to take interest in trade jobs, but it reinforces the soft skills like work ethic, working collaboratively with others, safety, and even picking up after yourself. The Perkins funding is critical to keeping our building trades program operational.

Diana Kubik

As a manufacturing company this grant has been instrumental in providing us trained workers that are able to contribute to our production line immediately upon starting employment with us. This is key for us to be able to meet production demands placed on us by our clients. The elimination of this grant has the potential of causing our operating costs to go up, jobs to ship late and the loss of clients. I ask that the Perkins grant continue to be funded.

Carol Mann

CTE courses enable students to graduate from high school with the knowledge that they need to apply for, hold, an excel in a career! They are the only classes students take that have as a part of their curriculum there's actual skills needed. Please continue the funding of these courses by you're signing of the Perkins bill.

Griselda Quintanilla

CTE offers the skills and knowledge base to fill the job demands of the current workforce demands.


CTE is extremely important. College isn't for every student. In CTE classes we learn amazing skills such as speaking, interviewing, and these classes provide career ready students. My CTE classes are my favorite classes and with out them I wouldn't be the leader I have been able to become. The students at my school would be greatly affected if this was cut from our funding we would lose what we consider a home away from home.

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The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce, and we strive to empower educators to deliver high-quality career and technical (CTE) programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. Please contact us at [email protected].

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