What states have policies for stackable credentials, integrated education and training, and alignment across education and other services to support career pathways systems? National Skills Coalition has the answers, with a set of state scans released in December. These briefs include short descriptions of the relevant policies in each state.
Stackable Credential Policy: 50-state Scan: This publication identifies 19 states with stackable postsecondary credential policies, including requirements that credits earned in certificate and associate degree programs be accepted at the next level of education as well as policies that provide funding to support stackable credentials at the postsecondary level.
Integrated Education and Training: 50-state Scan: This brief finds that 18 states support basic skills education delivered in the context of CTE, including grant funding, program requirements and state adult education and workforce strategy.
Alignment: 50-state Scan: This scan identifies 12 states that have policies that require and/or fund the alignment of a variety of elements of a career pathways system for low-skilled adults, including integrated basic education and skills training, career counseling, support services, high school equivalent credentials, industry-recognized and stackable postsecondary credentials, and industry engagement.
To be included in the scans, state policies must be broad in scope and applicable statewide.