« House Takes Up Perkins Funding Bill | Main | Some Postsecondary Education Required »



Liz Aschenbrenner

Thank you for passing the Perkins bill. CTE courses are so important to all students.

Mary Anne Lessa

Thank you for passing this important bill which helps our CTE programs and students!

Angela Ash

On behalf of the hundreds of students and three teachers involved in Roseville High School's Family and Consumer Science Department--particularly our thriving Hospitality Management & Culinary Arts 4-level Program of Study--THANK YOU for investing in us! We invite you to contact me or visit us any time to see how this investment is paying HUGE dividends in preparing students for excellence beyond high school! My cell is 916-218-8477.

Sharon Varozza

Thank you for supporting CTE programs through Perkins legislation. Perkins funds received at our school support many hands on learning programs that focus on skills for careers and post-secondary education.At Oak Ridge High School we have award winning Manufacturing and Engineering programs; Architectural Design education; Computer Science education;and my classes, Culinary Arts and Nutrition. Opportunities for student success abounds when CTE is supported and especially when academic leadership is encouraged.

Linda Davis -- Folsom High School

Thank you for supporting CTE programs through passing the Perkins legislation. Perkins Funds at Folsom High School help many programs on our campus from my Culinary Arts and Fashion Design to Media Production, Computer Science / Business to Digital Photography and Engineering. Without Perkins funds I would not be able to take my students on Leadership events and competitions, purchase industry standard equipment for the classroom in preparation for their careers in the future. Thanks again for trusting in our future and the need to educate all students with skills and abilities to be a part of society and the community they live in.


Thank you for supporting CTE through passing the Perkins legislation. Although I am blessed to teach in a school with highly educated families, not all of the students are going to a 4-year college immediately if ever, and ALL students need entry level job skills as they move into adulthood. But a CTE class can help a student pursue higher education as they work in higher paying jobs going through post-secondary education. At the least, CTE gives young people a sense of competency in the adult world.


Thank you for passing this very important legislation! Training our youth for careers in industries that can't be outsourced- is key to the future of the United States. Your work today is noticed by all Home Economics teachers and the thousands of students lives they impact each and every year.

Kathleen Womack

Thank you for keeping a necessary type of educational classes open for our young teens.
Some students would not get these life lessons if it wasn't for life skills classes.

Maria Hoffman

Thank you for continuing to support career and technical education programs which give students the opportunity to develop skills needed to succeed in today's world.

Patricia Lockhart

thank you for your dedication to the profession

Mari Vogt

Thank you so much for passing the Perkins bill and for providing students with the tools they need to succeed!

Julia Garcia

Thank you for your most appreciated support in passing the Perkins bill! Coastal Bend College has been blessed to receive funding from Perkins to help support the college in being able to offer our CTE students a great education which leads to good paying jobs. Again, thank you for helping us help our students make a difference!

Jonathan Graham

Thank you for passing the Perkins Bill and for allowing students to get a quality education that they deserve. Motlow State Community College is very appreciative of this funding and thanks you on the behalf of our faculty and our staff.

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The Association for Career and Technical Education is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. Our mission is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce, and we strive to empower educators to deliver high-quality career and technical (CTE) programs that ensure all students are positioned for career success. Please contact us at [email protected].

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