Infrastructure jobs directly employ more than 14.5 million workers, or 11 percent of the entire U.S workforce.[i] |
Jobs that support our nation’s infrastructure through designing, building and operating transportation, housing, utilities and telecommunications are key to the American economy.
This data point reminds us of a critical cross-section of jobs that sometimes fly under the radar when we’re talking about good careers. Millions of openings are projected in this sector across the country: About 3 million workers will be needed in infrastructure over the next decade. Not only are these jobs available, but they also pay family-sustaining wages, and 93 percent require less than a bachelor’s degree.
When sharing this data point, and others related to the labor market, be prepared with information specific to your local and regional economy and illustrate how your CTE programs prepare students for these careers.
[i] Kane and Tomer, Infrastructure skills: Knowledge, tools, and training to increase opportunity, The Brookings Institution, May 13, 2016.