Negotiators working to develop rules governing certain provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) will convene later this week in Washington. As we previously reported, ESSA requires that the department engage in “negotiated rulemaking” with respect to regulations affecting student assessments and “supplement, not supplant” funding provisions in the law. The negotiators, who were selected from among teachers, administrators, parents and other education stakeholders nationwide, met for the first time last month. In this second session, the negotiators will consider the draft regulations proposed by the U.S. Department of Education. The text of the proposed regulations and other supporting materials for this rulemaking session are available here. Additionally, the department has stated that it will soon begin the regulatory process on state accountability systems and the submission of state plans, which will both have important implications for expanding the role of CTE in ESSA. You can follow the latest updates on ESSA implementation on the CTE Policy Watch Blog.