Holders of postsecondary certificates out-earn the average high school graduate by 37 percent, when they work in the same field in which they studied.[i] |
Subbaccalaureate credentials can be very valuable, especially when individuals work in the same field that they studied in school.
The above data point joins a body of information on the benefits of postsecondary certificates and associate’s degrees. Research from the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce and from College Measures has explored how individuals with these credentials can achieve higher earnings than those with bachelor’s degrees, especially in technical fields and when their work is closely aligned to their studies.
When sharing this data with the media, policymakers and the general public, follow it up with success stories about your students who are earning a family-sustaining wage after attaining a postsecondary certificate or associate’s degree.
For more research and data on CTE, you can always turn to ACTE’s Fact Sheets.
[i] Carnevale et al., Certificates: Gateway to Gainful Employment and College Degrees, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 2012.