As the long process of implementing of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) continues, we have some new information and resources to assist the CTE community. First, states working to develop their WIOA state plans will receive a slight extension. Originally set for March 3, 2016, the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education announced recently that the deadline for states to submit either a Unified or Combined State Plan will be extended to April 1.
This week, state WIOA implementation teams from across the country met in Washington, D.C., for a conference hosted by National Governors Association and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (ACTE was a national partner for this event). Attendees were able to participate in workshops, hear from Administration officials and interact with their colleagues from other states to better inform their efforts back home. The major theme of this conference was the importance of collaboration among state and local workforce training, economic development and CTE partners on efforts that include strategic planning, implementing career pathways and providing comprehensive services for consumers of WIOA programs.
Finally, as part of our ongoing efforts to provide resources and guidance on WIOA implementation for CTE stakeholders, we have partnered with the National Association of State Directors of CTE Consortium to share some frequently asked questions on WIOA-related issues impacting CTE. The document is available here. You can also find the latest WIOA news and links to other resources on the CTE Policy Watch Blog.