Last week, ACTE joined with the National Association of State Directors of CTE Consortium to submit comments in response to the formal Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) that were issued by the Departments of Labor and Education in April.
While the NPRMs covered a wide range of topics, we focused on our comments on the issues most relevant to CTE audiences. Our comments were related to two of the five NPRMs. First, we addressed the combined rule from the Departments of Education and Labor, the “Joint Rule for Unified and Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the One-Stop System Joint Provisions; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.” Under this rule, the areas we addressed included:
A.) Unified and Combined State Plans
B.) Sharing of Infrastructure Costs for the One-Stop System
C.) Eligible Training Providers Eligibility and Annual Performance Reports
D.) Performance Accountability
We also included brief comments on the Department of Labor’s individual rule, “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.” In these comments we referenced youth programs and additional areas related to eligible training providers.
In addition to our joint comments with NASDCTEc, we also signed on to comments submitted by the Workforce Data Quality Campaign, which go into extensive detail on the accountability and data-related provisions of the law.
There were hundreds of comments submitted on each of these proposed rules, and the Departments are now beginning a process of reviewing and synthesizing the recommendations. The final rule is supposed to be published by January 2016, but additional guidance may be posted in the interim.