By 10 years from college completion, Colorado certificate and AAS holders in key fields are earning more than the statewide median wage.
Education Pays in Colorado: Earnings One, Five and Ten Years After College from College Measures joins the organization’s research on postsecondary workforce outcomes in Tennessee, Virginia, Texas and Florida.
Among the findings, author Mark Schneider finds that by a decade from college completion, bachelor’s degree holders in Colorado are earning $55,287 on average across all fields of study, followed closely by those with associate of applied science degrees ($54,146) and certificates that took one year or less to complete ($53,940).
Earnings are particularly high for certificate and AAS degree holders in certain fields of study:
- Short-term certificate holders in allied health diagnostic, intervention and treatment; criminal justice and corrections; and fire protection make more than the statewide median wage at one year, five years and 10 years out.
- Long-term certificate holders in legal support services; criminal justice and corrections; and allied health diagnostic, intervention and treatment earn more than the average bachelor’s degree holder.
- Those who earn an associate of applied science degree in registered nursing, allied health diagnostics and fire protection earn more than the state median at years one, five and 10.
This research is helping to shed light on how subbaccalaureate credentials in CTE fields can reap long-term benefits.