Recently, the U.S. Department of Education announced the second round of funding for the First in the World (FITW) grant program. FITW grants are intended to support innovative approaches to increasing postsecondary student retention and completion, particularly among students from low-income backgrounds, first-generation college students, working students and adult learners. Colleges, universities or a consortium of institutions of higher education will compete for a share of the $60 million that is available through FITW this year. Eligible applicants will be able to apply under one of two different grant categories: “development” or “validation.” The development grants will fund novel and innovative projects that are backed by “strong theory,” while the validation grant category will focus on expanding projects supported by strong evidence of effectiveness. Projects must address one of three priority areas to receive funding through a development grant, which include improving teaching and learning, developing and using assessments of student learning, and facilitating pathways to credentialing and transfer. To receive a validation grant, projects should focus on improving success in developmental education, improving teaching and learning, improving student support services, or influencing the development of non-cognitive factors. The deadline for applications is June 30, 2015