Learn how CTE is developing the qualified workforce in agriculture, food and natural resources with our newest Sector Sheet.
CTE: The Key to Economic Development in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources explores several sub-fields in this sector that are expected to grow by impressive margins through 2018. For instance, jobs in forestry and conservation are projected to increase by up to 13 percent, while career opportunities in veterinary medicine are expected to grow by 20 percent and environmental engineering and technician occupations by a remarkable 30 percent. In addition, efforts to increase and improve the food supply through higher yields and food safety standards will lead to greater opportunities for animal scientists and for food scientists and technologists. Clearly, this sector is not just about cultivating the land--research and development; advanced technologies; and agribusiness management, marketing and sales have brought agriculture, food and natural resources into the 21st century.
CTE prepares high school, postsecondary and adult students for careers in this sector through Career Clusters, pathways and courses in agriculture, food and natural resources; STEM; business management and administration; and marketing and sales. In addition, CTE students benefit from work-based learning experiences, such as internships at CASE IH, a leading agricultural equipment firm, which has an intern-to-hire ratio of 56 percent; stackable certificates, industry-recognized certifications and degrees; and career and technical student organization enrichment experiences, such as the National FFA Organization's Agriscience Fair.
You can expect more Sector Sheets this summer and fall that address how CTE supports critical industry sectors that define our nation's economy. We encourage you to share these advocacy tools with business, policymakers, education leaders and the public to illustrate how CTE develops the workforce for specific industries and prepares students for in-demand careers.