At a community college on April 16, President Barack Obamaannounced the availability of $550 million in grant opportunities that tie in to the job-driven training initiatives included in his 2014 State of the Union address, such as Vice President’s review of federal job training programs. These grants come from existing funds in the Department of Labor.
The latest and final round of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grants will account for about $450 million of the announced opportunities. Originally created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, this competitive program is intended to foster partnerships between community colleges and regional business and industry to design training programs for high-skill, high-growth careers. This final round of applications will focus on three priorities of the Administration:
- Scale-up in-demand job training through national industry partnerships.
- Increase state-wide alignment of training programs to speed time to completion and seamless progression between levels of training.
- Improve statewide employment and education data integration and use.
At least one TAACCCT grant will be awarded in every state, including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Applicants that take into account the three priorities of the Administration may receive larger grant amounts. The deadline for applications is July 7. The full announcement and application instructions can be found at
The other $100 million will come from the fees generated by H-1B visa applications and will fund a new “American Apprenticeship Grant” to reward partnerships between employers, community colleges, training providers, labor organizations, local and state governments, non-profits and the workforce system that expand access to apprenticeships. This program will prioritize applications that:
- Launch apprenticeship models in new, high-growth fields.
- Align apprenticeships to pathways for further learning and career advancement.
- Scale proven apprenticeship models.
This focus on apprenticeships comes on top of a recent announcement by Vice President Biden to bolster apprenticeship opportunities through the creation of the Registered Apprenticeship – College Consortium.
Applications for the American Apprenticeship Grants are not yet available.