2013 was a major year for career and technical education (CTE)! All but three states had legislative or regulatory action in the 2013 calendar year that impacted one or more elements of CTE. This level of engagement by state legislatures, state boards of education, governors' offices and state agencies can be attributed to the growing awareness that CTE is key to engaging learners at all levels, closing the skills gap and bolstering America's competitiveness advantage.
In an effort to capture information on these state policy changes, ACTE and the National Association of State Directors of CTE Consortium partnered to compile and release a new research paper, "State Policies Impacting CTE: 2013 Year in Review." This paper provides both an overview and a state-by-state review of CTE-related policies that were enacted in 2013, including a chart showing key trends across the country.
The policy activities in this report, including legislation, administrative orders and state board rules, were compiled from a thorough review of a number of sources, including state government websites, media stories and compilations such as those prepared by the Education Commission of the States. Follow-up communication was made with CTE state leaders in an attempt to verify information.
The paper is designed to be useful to policymakers, researchers and anyone seeking to influence or better understand CTE state policy. It is our hope that by sharing information about the multitude of activities happening in CTE across the country, we can connect similar work occurring in different places and better influence the adoption of positive CTE policies in all states.