Greetings again from ACTE headquarters! As you continue to raise awareness of career and technical education (CTE) programs and their benefits in your communities for CTE Month, remember that it isn't too late to reach out to your local policy leaders to invite their participation. We at ACTE have been thrilled with the support we've received from officials at the Department of Education and congressional leadership this CTE Month, as well as the success stories we've heard from our members nationwide that demonstrates their commitment to celebrating the CTE superheroes in their own communities.
One such story comes out of Ohio, where Governor John R. Kasich formally declared February as CTE Month on February 7. The governor, alongside Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Richard A. Ross, Ohio Career-Tech Director Steve Gratz and leaders from seven student organizations officially launched the state's participation in CTE Month. Along with his formal declaration, Gov. Kasich issued a video message emphasizing the crucial role that CTE plays in helping students prepare themselves for success in a 21st century workforce.
"Today in Ohio, we have more than 120,000 teenagers in our high school career tech programs. These schools get it right, and their students are finding their passion," Gov. Kasich said. "They learn math, science, and English, but they do something more, they apply it to the real world. They take this opportunity and earn a high school diploma, college credit, or industry credentials."
We at ACTE appreciate Gov. Kasich's spreading the word about the CTE superheroes at work in Ohio and participation in CTE Month.
Want to get in touch with your own local leaders for CTE Month, but not sure where to start? Check out the resources available on the ACTE website, including the Advocacy Toolkit, fact sheets and a sample proclamation that you can update for your city or state. And as always, remember to keep sending uspictures, videos, and news clippings from the CTE Month events you're organizing in your own communities, and keep up the great work!