As we celebrate the final week of CTE Month across the nation, we are pleased to announce the rollout of an exciting new website. This site was created in cooperation with all the national Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) through the National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations (NCC-CTSO) and our affiliate organizations: The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) and, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).
The website links to all CTSOs and affiliate organizations, provides the latest CTE news feed , links to our social networks and provides several data points that support the case for CTSOs as a key component of high quality Career and Technical Education. One of the most dynamic features of the website appears under the "Advocate" header. This link provides CTSO profiles for every state and shows the number of CTSO members in each legislative district for every state. This is a great tool for state legislative visits and for making the case for CTE at the local, state and federal levels.
We hope you will find this site useful not only an advocacy tool, but also as a marketing and branding tool. The process to develop this website was done with an incredible cooperative spirit amongst all the CTSOs and affiliate organizations. It offers another way to celebrate the goodness of CTE! Visit the site at