ACTE has been asked to share the following message about the release and feedback period for Version 4 of the Common Education Data Standards. These standards will play an important role in the incorporation of CTE and workforce development data elements in state longitudinal data systems, so we encourage you to review!
Your feedback on CEDS Version 4 CTE elements is needed! Public review comments are due 9/20.
The draft of the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) version 4 has been released for public comment. CEDS 4.0 includes over 40 new and revised elements related to CTE teachers, students and programs, including professional/technical credentials, teacher certification, and work-based learning.A work group of CTE state data administrators and program specialists contributed to the element development and revision process.
To view these elements, visit and select "Career and Technical" under "Filter by Domain." You can then choose to view all CTE-related elements, or just those that were new or updated for version 4. Each element shown is followed by a "Comment on this element button" that you can use to give feedback.
About CEDS 4.0
There are over 200 proposed new V4 elements, as well as some updated elements from the previous version of CEDS. In total, the proposed CEDS Version 4 includes over 1,300 unduplicated elements. The Version 4 draft spans P-20W (early learning through workforce), including additions to:
- Early Learning
- K12
- Assessment
- Postsecondary
- Career and Technical Education
- Workforce
- Adult Education
- P-20W
The draft elements are NOT included in the data model (DES or NDS) or the CEDS Tools (Align and Connect). Once the elements have gone through the review process and been revised as final they will be included in the models and tools with the V4 release in January, 2014.
CEDS supports the development of a common vocabulary for P-20W. It is a collection of definitions and formats for the most commonly used P-20W education data elements but does not dictate how individual data systems collect, store, and report data. CEDS is developed each year by a group of stakeholders but is also equally shaped by those that provide feedback during this public comment period.
We look forward to hearing from you!