We need you to Climb the Hill with us during next month’s National Policy Seminar (NPS) to tell legislators in Washington, D.C. that career and technical education (CTE) needs their support!
The knowledge you communicate about your local CTE programs and students will be the most important information that Members of Congress and staff receive. ACTE will provide the latest updates on what is happening in Washington, the background and information on CTE positions and the support needed to ensure your visits to Capitol Hill are a success!
Participate in our First-timers Pre-session, intended for attendees who have never met with a Member of Congress or their staff. Join the New Members of Congress Breakout if you have a newly elected Member of Congress or go to the Media Advocacy Breakout to determine the best strategies for promoting your message, program and institution.
Later in the conference, ACTE staff will provide an hour-long Issues Briefing focused on the topics that Congress and the Obama Administration are discussing right now, and the schedule also includes a State Roundtable planning session for you to discuss and plan any joint meetings with your state colleagues.
Learn from someone who has been to the Hill before or use the ACTE Legislative Handbook, the resource provided to all conference attendees, intended to aide in CTE advocacy while you are at the conference and when you return home!
You will receive all the support you need. NPS provides the best professional development opportunity regarding CTE policy, advocacy and networking with your colleagues and CTE leaders from around the nation. Don’t delay, register today!
NPS Confirmed Panelists and Speakers include:
Sarah Bolton, Senior Budget and Policy Advisor, Senate Budget Committee – Majority
Dr. Anthony Carnevale, Director and Research Professor of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
The Honorable Brenda Dann-Messier, Assistant Secretary, Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Mark Edwards, Executive Director, Opportunity Nation
Jamie Fasteau, Deputy Director of Education Policy, House Committee on Education and the Workforce – Minority
Tina Grant, Director, National College Credit Recommendations Service
Kim Green, Executive Director, National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium
Kristin Hamilton; Director, Standards; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Steve Klein, Principal Investigator, NCICTE
Laura Knapp, Center Director, NCICTE
Rosemary Lahasky, Professional Staff Member, House Committee on Education and the Workforce – Majority
Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI), Co-Chair, Congressional CTE Caucus
Robin McLean, ACTE Teacher of the Year
Margaret Reed Millar; Senior Program Associate, Standards, Assessment and Accountability; Council of Chief State School Officers
Patrick Murray, Education Policy Advisor, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee – Minority
Liz Ross, Project Director, National Association of State Boards of Education
Martha Ross, Fellow, Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program
Tom Rudin;, Senior Vice President for Advocacy, Government Relations & Development; The College Board
Thomas Showalter, Education Policy Advisor, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee – Majority
James Stone, Professor and Director, National Research Center of Career & Technical Education, University of Louisville
Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA), Co-Chair, Congressional CTE Caucus
Erica Williams, Senior Policy Analyst, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
For more information or to check the latest updated agenda, please visit ACTE's National Policy Seminar Web site.