On January 8, the second and final public draft of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) was released. Comment on the draft will be accepted until January 29 and the final standards are expected to be released in March.
The NGSS are being developed based on the National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education. The Framework defined scientific literacy for all K-12 students by identifying Science and Engineering Practice, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas that will enable all student to make scientifically sound decisions about the world in which they live. One of the goals of the NGSS is to ensure that students apply their learning through scientific inquiry and the engineering-design process to deepen their understanding. Career and technical education advocates seeking to provide input on the NGSS should note that the standards include a definition of college and career readiness in science.
There are 26 states leading the NGSS development but those states are not obligated to adopt the standards once they are developed and finalized. ACTE is planning to submit comments on the draft standards and we encourage CTE advocates to provide a copy of any comments they submit, which will help inform ACTE’s response. Please forward comment to Stephen DeWitt.