By: Ashley Parker
In the TIME Magazine article “Learning That Works,” Joe Klein, TIME Magazine’s political columnist, presents us with a compelling snapshot of CTE today, highlighting much of CTE’s strongest evidence of the positive impacts for students, businesses and communities. Mr. Klein contacted ACTE after his visit to Arizona where he met ACTE members Clyde McBride and Sally Downey and toured programs in Kayenta and Mesa, Arizona. We spoke with him as he worked on completing his story, providing him with the national data and context to round out his experiences visiting the different CTE programs. The article will print in the May 14th edition of TIME Magazine.
The process in which this article was developed underscores the importance of CTE practitioners’ participation and engagement with the media at every opportunity. The school visit’s impact on Mr. Klein is evident in his story; school visits are one of the most powerful ways to communicate the importance of high-quality CTE programs.
In his blog on TIME Magazine’s website, Joe Klein wrote this about his article: “My latest print piece–longer than a column this week–is about the revival of what used to be called vocational education, but is now called Career and Technical Education. It’s probably the best way to train young people for skilled jobs that actually exist, especially when done in partnership with local businesses–but more than that, it turns out to be a great way to motivate kids who aren’t very interested in traditional schooling…and a head start for advanced placement sorts of who want to go to professional careers in medicine, science, engineering and law.”