On May 24, ACTE and the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) partnered with Achieve on the release of a report providing a blueprint for increased engagement between state education leaders and the career and technical education (CTE) community. Read the full press release issued by Achieve, ACTE and NASDCTEc here.
The report, titled “Common Core State Standards & Career and Technical Education: Bridging the Divide Between College and Career Readiness” outlines a set of strategies state and district leaders can leverage to ensure the implementation of Common Core State Standards engages, informs, and benefits from the career and technical education (CTE) community, a critical partner in the broader college- and career-ready agenda.
Janet Bray, executive director of ACTE said, “Common Core State Standards implementation presents tremendous opportunity for CTE and academics to better align to improve student career readiness, but too many states and school districts are neglecting this important connection point. This paper is a key tool that will help guide state and local leaders and improve understanding about how to include CTE in the Common Core implementation process. Our hope is that all school leaders will follow the good examples provided by these leading states.”
ACTE has been focusing on providing additional Common Core support for CTE professionals. On May 29, I will participate on a Webinar featuring the Achieve paper that will be hosted by the American Diploma Project Network. Sign up here.