The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), one of the Common Core assessment consortia, provides a number of ways that K-12 educators can get involved in the development of PARCC assessments.This summer 2012, PARCC will be launching an item review committee which is planning to engage with many educators at the state and local levels.
PARCC will also be working with state-specific educator leader cadres this summer with the intent to deeply engage with teams of district and school level educators within each of the 24 PARCC states around the tools and supports being developed through PARCC. While states will organize a range of activities for their K-12 communities, each year, PARCC will bring together 24-member teams of K-16 educators from across PARCC states. The meetings will provide an opportunity for educators to build expertise in the Common Core State Standards and PARCC by engaging in deep analysis of the standards and aligned material such as the PARCC Model Content Frameworks and item prototypes.
If you are a CTE educator interested in getting engaged with either of these activities, you should reach out to your state leadership team member. PARCC states and state team leads are listed on the PARCC Web site on individual state pages.
Another way to notify PARCC of your interest in involvement is to fill out PARCC’s K-12 engagement survey which allows educators to check the activities they are most interested in participating in, such as providing feedback on the soon-to-be refreshed model content frameworks, piloting item prototypes (the first of which will be available this summer), or reviewing professional development modules.
ACTE encourages you to actively participate in these and other activities initiated by PARCC and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). CTE educator participation will ensure CTE is included as Common Core assessments are developed.