Last month, policymakers who support CTE had the opportunity to sign-on to letters to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees addressing CTE funding. Both letters were a great success!
In the Senate, the dear colleague letter effort was led by Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT), and 21 additional Senators signed on. In the House, the letter was led by Rep. Thompson (R-PA) and Rep. Langevin (D-RI). An additional 63 House members signed on, for a total of 65 signatures.
Please review both letters and thank those Members of Congress who signed on in support of CTE! These Member requests are important signals to the Appropriations Committees about the priority level of specific programs, and so it was important to get substantial support for Perkins. If your Members of Congress did not sign the letters, continue cultivating those relationships and building support for the future!